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| Loading... by John GlasscoMembers | Reviews | Popularity | Average rating | Mentions | 18 | 3 | 1,242,518 | (4.33) | 4 | A classic of Canadian erotica, this is the original restored edition of the flagellation story Glassco crafted for the notorious Paris publisher Maurice Girodias and his Olympia Press. |
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dundurn (1) erotic (1) erotica (2) Olympia (1) porn (1) Proper Male Discipline (1) Research - dominance (1) Research - erotic literature (2) Research - erotic punishment (2) Research - female domination (2) Research - male submission (2) to-read (1) ▾Will you like it? Loading... Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. ▾Conversations (About links) No current Talk conversations about this book. » See also 4 mentions ▾Member reviews
I gave this book to Sandra, my fiancé. We planned a very strict Female Led Marriage. I vowed to "Love, Honor, Obey, and Submit" at our wedding. Took Her surname. Stemwedel. Sandra studied the tome, and related material, thoroughly. MY FIRST WHIPPING HARNESS! Nose-to-toes Depilation! Estrogen Injections! And much much more. My handsome, ultra-masculine father-in-law approves. Robert knows several FLR couples. ( ) Richard.9 | Aug 22, 2017 |
This is a slightly confusing book, in that it is another version of 'Harriet Marwood, Governess' (HMG). In both, Miss Marwood is tasked with training her young charge using painful chastisement and humiliation. Unless both are read quite carefully, they might be taken to be the same book, as the opening pages are identical and most of the characters are identical, but in fact the books are very different. 'The English Governess' (EG) is by far the more erotic, to the extent that it is possible that the other book is a rewrite for more sensitive folks. HMG is coyly vague about the character defect of the governess' pupil, Richard, but here it is forthrightly stated as masturbation. This difference leads to one of the best erotic chastisement scenes in the work being the consequence of stealing chocolate, rather than a nocturnal episode of solitary playfulness which has left unmistakeable traces in his bed. HMG also omits all mention of the relationship between Richard's father and his young mistress, which leads to some of the more erotically attractive episodes in the book. Some compensation for these omissions is offered in HMG by inclusion of a situation in which Richard's attempt at a relatively normal relationship is wrecked when Miss Marwood beats Richard noisily in a beach hut, in the young lady's presence. EG is by far the better book, maintaining the air of dominance and loving subservience necessary for credibility in the plot. It should be said, however, that both books have sufficient merit to be considered classics of the genre. ( ) 2 CliffordDorset | Aug 27, 2009 |
This book has reappeared in rather more guises than the average in the field of erotic literature, which is well known for the practice of re-issuing (sometimes with intent to mislead) and re-editing works, using a variety of pseudonymous devices. There appear to be two principal editions, one represented by the Grove Press issue, which omits all of the M/F erotic flagellation, and M/F sexual activity in general, and that represented by the Masquerade edition, which does not. There are also minor differences in the F/M aspects of the plot, specifically concerning the humiliation of the adolescent Richard by his governess, Harriet Marwood. This is one of the real classics of F/M flagellation erotica, and in fact its appeal is broader than this, appealing also to devotees of the M/F subdivision of the genre. It concerns Richard’s taking in hand and his training to submission. His father and his father’s paramour are complicit, with erotic distractions of their own, and the book details his (sometimes painful) progress under his Governess’ severe thrall until their eventual marriage. The book appears to have been written by John Glassco, and some editions are under the pseudonym Miles Underwood, although its authorship is more usually anonymous. The two titles ‘The English Governess’, and ‘Harriet Marwood, Governess’ may be found, covering one of the versions of this work. ( ) 2 CliffordDorset | Aug 27, 2009 | no reviews | add a review ▾Other authors » Add other authors (1 possible) ▾Series and work relationships You must log in to edit Common Knowledge data. For more help see the Common Knowledge help page. | Canonical title | | Original title | | Alternative titles | | Original publication date | | People/Characters | | Important places | | Important events | | Related movies | | Epigraph | | Dedication | | First words | | Quotations | | Last words | | Disambiguation notice | | Publisher's editors | | Blurbers | | Original language | | Canonical DDC/MDS | | Canonical LCC | |
▾References References to this work on external resources. Wikipedia in EnglishNone ▾Book descriptions A classic of Canadian erotica, this is the original restored edition of the flagellation story Glassco crafted for the notorious Paris publisher Maurice Girodias and his Olympia Press. ▾Library descriptions No library descriptions found.
▾LibraryThing members' description | Amazon Kindle (0 editions) CD Audiobook (0 editions) Project Gutenberg (0 editions) Google Books — Loading... GenresMelvil Decimal System (DDC)813.54Literature › American literature in English › American fiction in English › 1900-1999 › 1945-1999 LC ClassificationPR9199.G574Language and Literature › English › English Literature › English literature: Provincial, local, etc. Is this you?Become a LibraryThing Author. |